Wednesday, August 12, 2009

End of Convention

Ok, so I lied. I didn't have time to blog everyday about my experiences at the convention but just to update...I met plenty of people in the journalism industry who I admire and networked with numerous individuals.

The event I was in charge of, "Salute to Excellence," went very well even though there was some confusion at first. Usually I'm not the loudest person in the room but I had to step out of my comfort zone and put on the journalist cap which makes me break out of the usual laid back and reserved Royce and become aggressive, persistent, won't accept no for an answer Royce Strahan.

By the end of the convention I couldn't believe I was getting paid to do something that I love. Working with other journalist who are on the same path as me and want nothing more than to get their big break was a priceless opportunity. Many people have the same dream but never manage to implement the actions necessary to make their dream a reality. The people I encountered at the convention were completely different. Every single individual had drive, passion, and a desire to just break out of the norm and become a leading figure in their specific field.

The last day of the convention brought emotions to most of the staff. We all pretty much spent most of the day working with each other without any tempers flaring or problems arising. Our staff was the epitome of a team that worked well together to plan the largest event for journalists of color. I came to love this organization for the things they have accomplished and the impact the organization has had on journalists of color around the world.

Unfortunately my "vacation" only lasted so long. Coming back to my dorm at Howard, I realized I had been locked out of my room as a result of not having fall housing. It's amazing how things can all of a sudden change in the blink of an eye. One minute, I'm living it up in Tampa Bay and the next I'm a homeless college student trying to exhaust every option in order to have a place to sleep.

Luckily, a friend allowed me to stay with them until I came back to Chicago. If I didn't learn anything else in Tampa, I learned to let people know how much I appreciate their help when they go out of their way to assist me in anyway. Whether it's a server in a restaurant or someone who helps me with a situation with a smile on their face, I'm sure to let people know I appreciate the time they take to make my experiences in life a little easier.

I'm now back home in Chicago, hoping to hear something back from the places I've applied to live for the fall semester. Hopefully everything works out. Pray for be continued.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Convention FINALLY starts!

It's Wednesday morning! Which means the NABJ (National Association of Black Journalists) Convention officially starts. All of the preparation and preliminary work I and the staff have done will finally be seen throughout the remainder of the week.

Firstly, let me start by talking about a funny comparison. I was told yesterday that I have a celebrity twin and was mistaken for Andre 3000. The concierge at the hotel thought I was there to perform at the convention. I've heard this comparison before from a friend but I just don't see it at all. Rajon Rondo...I can understand how people say I look similiar. Chris Tucker...maybe when my voice is really high, but not looks. Mr. Burns...I hate anyone who has ever made this comparison lol.

Yesterday I was walking into the hotel and I spotted a familiar looking guy who I thought was just one of the members who was here for the convention but didn't put two and two together until he had walked pass me and was gone. I thought about it for a second after he passed and realized I had just walked past Detroit Pistons president, Joe Dumars. Also a NBA Hall of a Famer, Joe Dumars gave me my first star struck moment at the convention. Still upset that I didn't get a chance to speak to him.

While down here, I'm trying to make as many connections as possible. Still waiting to talk to one of the sports journalist who is here in regards to being my mentor but I haven't gotten the chance yet.

Tonight is the all-white party at the poolside of the Marriott. The event should be packed judging by the small size of the pool area and the many individuals who plan to attend.

I definitely need to get a new phone. My blackberry has cut off on me continuously since I've been down here, which is not a good look when you have people calling you to get logistical information and when you're giving out your number to professionals. Can't miss that call! Whoever it's coming from. A BROTHA NEED A JOB AFTER THIS!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Life From Tampa

As I stepped off the plane and came through the Tampa International Airport, I was oblivious to the experience I was about to encounter. I'm in the city for ten days working for the National Association of Black Journalist Annual 2009 Convention and I had no idea what to expect.

I and several other staff members made our way to baggage claim, retrieving our bags and then heading to get cabs to take us to the Marriott. As soon as the doors to the airport opened, the heat hit us. It was hot, humid, and sweat began forming on my forehead before I even got to the cab. Now the trip to the hotel.

Being new to the whole traveling aspect of journalism, I hadn't been outside the parameters of Chicago, DC and the surrounding areas. It was an entirely new experience and I was prepared to take advantage of every opportunity. I was in amazement in the cab feeling like a toddler at Christmas, seeing palm trees for the first time. The heat became a non-factor because of my excitement from being somewhere I had never been, but that was only temporary because of the air conditioning in the cab.

After a 15 minute cab ride, we were at the hotel. As a part of the staff, we were the first of journalists to check in. Jubilated to have my own room, I got my key and came to my room which would be home for the next ten days. 12th floor overlooking the bay and the poolside of the hotel, I realized how fortunate I am to have this opportunity. Scheduled to only put my bags down in my room and head back down to the lobby for lunch with staff, I didn't want to leave the room that displayed a view of downtown Tampa's skyline (which is no competition for Chicago's skyline above).

Making my way downstairs in an obviously good mood as a result of my room, I and the staff settled on a restaurant in the hotel, Champion's Sports Bar & Grill. The walls were plastered with autographed sports memorabilia and pictures which was a welcoming environment for anyone who has loved sports as much as I have over the years. The slow service was an afterthought as a result of the great environment. I tried my best to hide my excitement amongst my colleagues, but it was clearly visible in my expressions and shown on my face.

Meeting journalist who are in the position I wish to be in has a profound effect on any up and coming journalist's life. To actually call these people your mentors after meeting them and talking with them over a drink or through casual conversation is a priceless opportunity. I will definitely come back from Tampa with a new outlook on life as well as my career.

On my way out for a board meeting now, but stay posted. Much more to come!